For diagnostic procedures performed under sedation (such as endoscopy), Dr Ng will meet you on the day of surgery.

  • You should follow the fasting and preparation advice provided to you by the proceduralist.
  • If you require specific advice on blood thinners or diabetic medications, feel free to contact our practice on

For booked procedures under general or regional anaesthesia, Dr Ng will contact you by phone in advance of your surgery.

  • He will inform you of your fasting, admission and anticipated surgery times. He will go through what your procedure involves from an anaesthetic point of view, and help you manage any usual medical conditions around the time of surgery. He will also answer any questions you may have.
  • As a part of this, Dr Ng will review your medications and provide advice on what to take before surgery, and discuss appropriate pain relief options after surgery. You can help him by preparing a list in advance of your medications, their dosages and when you take them. If this list is extensive, you can email it to us at